Sunday, March 18

What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?

The Buried Life - an inspirational show. It clears up the answer to the question, what is the meaning of life: it's to complete your bucket list. It's to DO those things you've always wanted. I mean, is the point of life really to make money in a job? To keep a house for your husband? Yea, we make do but we aren't really happy or fufilled. LIFE is such a gift, we could be dirt on the ground right now but we are living, breathing, the product of millions of years of evolution, capable of so much. Do we really want to waste that invaluable gift by "making do"? We have to grab the bull by the horns and do everything we possibly can in this world before we die. DO IT ALL!!! Cause you can't reach the end of your life and be like geez, I wish I did that, and live all over again, you've only got one life! Make it worth it!

So what do I want to do before I die? I want to sail around the entire fucking world. I want to pack up, with a couple of good buddies, get an old fixer upper, clean er up, and set sail. No looking back. Spend as much time as we want in each place, seeing the world, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures. Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Madagascar, India, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Cali, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Caribbean. Anywhere and everywhere. Antarctica! Last stop will be Victoria, B.C., to say thanks to the boys for inspiring us to live our lives. (Then hopefully invite them aboard and party with them and ask Ben if he wants to cross something off his list by sleeping with his HOTTEST fan - ME.)  

I hope when I'm old I can look back on my life and smile at all the things I've lived through and know that I've really and truly lived.

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