4 more days a couple hours til I finally get to leave and head back to my beautiful home and loving family and relaxing life. Just 2 exams, one of which I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail, in my way before I leave. Fuck SE Asian art, I mean who the fuck needs it. It's funny, I've been brainstorming ideas of how to change the grades in my report card so mum and dad will think I did great. Because they know I don't have a social life, and they think they only thing I do is do homework, which I don't at all, I never do hw, so what will I tell them if I get bad grades? Yea mum and dad, i watched tv and movies all second semester and have zero fucks left over for homework. Which is literally what I did. I don't know. But what if the grades are awful and S drops my acceptance? They wouldn't understand why, then they'd call people... jesus can't do that. Part of me almost wants to get dropped from S, then I'd have some freedom to choose what I really want to do. I'm beginning to think art is a big mistake major-wise. I was thinking I'd just go to a 2 yr trade school, or degree program and learn an guaranteed income job, instead of wasting my time learning about greek history. But then I though, no one hires you if you only did 2 years of college! Basically a base requirement in a bachelors. I would be screwing myself. Maybe I could find a program that did both, a 4 yr college where a learned a trade.... maybe thats just like picking a school with a major you like? Haha. Goooood. So, obviously still have some thinking to do. At home, on a blanket in the back yard, with a cold lemonade and shades. Sigh.
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