Wednesday, January 18

It's so late! I go to bed at 8:00 at home, now I have to stay up and do french hw, fck that. Yes, you heard right, I am back. My island vacation was a dream. Our villa was out of conde nast traveller. I want to go back so badly - i love it there, my body loves it there; My skin clears right up, gets smooth and tan, my hair gets blond and wavy in the humidity. Every time I go down there I make a pact to come back and do something cool, but I always forget.
And it's hard not to, being stuck in a cold, death tunnel like VT. The cold sucks the thoughts right out of your head, all you can think of is making it back to your dorm alive. Sigh. My classes are great this smstr: french II, se asian art history, renaissance art history, and intro to classical music, with a p/f class on weight loss and eating right. I'm kind of excited for that, that being losing weight. I mean a little here and there, nothing drastic - I want to look good. In reality I want my face a little less chubby and my boobs not so big. Then I'd be golden. Anyways classes - they're more participation intensive this time around, which requires more work. And for me more worry. And is that even worth it? I learned so much in the big lectures. I'm just arguing with myself, what, do I want to take big lecture til I graduate? No. It's exciting, new people, get my heart rate up. I was thinking, maybe it those flights of stairs I have to climb everyday that made me lose that weight! Did I tell you I've lost 10 lbs since the beginning of school? I mean, I think they're back now, but at the beginning of break.Funny this is - I didnt even notice until I weight myself at home. NOte to self - need scale. Wow - I just understood why people carry around recorders in movies and say things to themselves - how nice it would be to remember the things i think of during the day and never write down! I'm going to be such an eccentric old lady.


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