Wednesday, October 19

Well, I think I'm going to become a Buddhist. It's my calling. I found out yesterday that my counselor is a practicing buddhist, and she gave me a book to read about her denomination, Shambala. I'm telling you, this book, it makes so much sense. It's just genius, I can't explain to you haw much hope this has given me. They teach that we have gotten into the habit of always wanting more, which is fruitless because there ISN'T MORE in this life. Life is all about the senses, what happens in the moment. In living that way, you can finally develop that sense of self that everyone is looking for. H says that Buddhist practitioners are very stable mentally, and this is because they have that self. They are content.
So, it's a bit of awakening for me... don't be surprised if I never write back, I might have moved out to a monastery in Tibet!


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