Documentaries definetly have their good moments. I've been watching them a lot recently, just because I learn so much about some really interesting, and eye-opening topics.
Some that I've enjoyed recently:
This followed a young guy as he lived the good life, traveling down to gorgeous Patagonia by any means necessary, meeting beautiful Easter Island girls on the way, and learning good life lessons from the two guys who founded the actual Patagonia clothing company itself, who do a lot of environmental work in Chile. |
This was great. It was exhilarating to know you are listening to Banksy but not actually knowing who he is. It brings up some great questions of, what is art? Can anyone make art? People often tap into the mainstream trends and make millions, without having any talent. The pop art, graffiti art that Banksy created that is popular today has definitely been taken advantage of. This definitely deserved it's globe nomination. |
Super Size Me!!! It created a lot of hype when it first came out, and for a good reason, it's good to see the truth about fast food out in the open. But... look at us today. We totally ignored the conclusions this guy came to. It's pathetic. |
King Corn. I have a little crush on these guys, they are so cute. They look into the world of corn and specifically corn syrup, which is the main ingredient of most of our food nowadays. It's another bash on these huge companies, which is good. They are destroying our American freedom. There is a hilarious scene where they try to make corn syrup, and it's mostly chemicals, and really weird processes. |
So interesting! This was originally a book by Michael Pollen, and it looks into four plants: apples, potatoes, tulips, and WEED, which have become huge parts of human culture, and how complex our relationship is with them. He suggests that maybe it's not us who are the benefactors of this relationship, but it is the plants - we have transported them al over the world, and helped continue their species enormously.
More to come!!
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