Wednesday, April 27

What I Learned Today

Today I learned that one has to be open about themselves, and all of their problems and faults, to make connections with people, to be happy. If you hide you true feelings deep inside and seem perfect all the time, people won't connect with you because you don't seem like a real person. People connect with people who are real. You might fool some with a fake exterior, fake smile, fake "I'm great, how are you?" but you will feel crummy about yourself and everything else, until you can show people what's on the inside. It's a daunting task, but it can be done.
In a personal context, I guess that means for me showing people my feelings, showing them that I get nervous in social situations, that I like my private space, that I have a hard time braking out of my comfort zone, that I have ridiculously high expectations for myself, that I am self-concious about my huge breasts and my tummy. I wish people would like walk around with signs like this on their chest, just so everything is out in the open, and everyone can cut the friggin BS and really get to know one another. Not get to know some fake person you concocted up in your head, or seen in a magazine ad or on tv. That's the problem with society today, all these fake people are shoved down our throats; real people with real issues and real bodies have yet to appear in magazines or tabloids. Like why is that so hard to do? We are surrounded by real people everyday, yet we choose to make the 1 in a billion person who has all their shit together our idol? Now tell me that isn't something wrong with that.
Something really had to change. I think if enough people say something, it will happen. We can do this guys.

and counseling!!!


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