Sunday, September 25

My Dreams

Dreams keep us going; they give us something to look forward to. While we must accept that some may never come true, they are necessary to our, well, survival and they are healthy.
So, here are my dreams:

A villa in Tuscany. I will visit on vacations and summer for a couple years, then live there full time. I will make my own wine and olive oil, have a full garden, fruit trees, and chickens. I will have some strapping young Italians help out on the farm though, so my husband and I can relax and enjoy the sun whenever we want.

A farm in Maine. A full-on farm: vegetable gardens, fruit trees, an old milk cow, cows for meat, chickens, some horses who graze in the beach grass on the dunes, hayfields, apple orchard... a nice big dog who loves to play with our kids, a pond, a nice sledding hill. A sailboat for when we take trips to the mainand. We have grand parties with grand meals and everyone is invited. We get our own christmas tree, make our own soap, wine, jams, jellies.

As you can see from these pictures... maybe just anywhere in VT or NH would make me happy :)

More to come...


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