Monday, October 15

No Dreams to Report

I was dreamless last night. At least this pattern of me dreaming about rejection is broken. I like to say pattern, because it makes me think like I can predict it in some way, but in reality, the brain is so goddam mysterious. Why do I dream what I dream when I dream it? WHY? It's so weird. One of the great philosophers thought dreams were your subconscious trying to tell you something. I agree about the subconscious part, but I don't think it means anything... it is just some random thought or experience that happened to you or your thought of that means nothing and your brain is going with that idea and elaborating on it a little. Or a lot. It's so strange. What would an alien think of dreams... "yea, while we are unconscious are brain makes up situations, random as hell, and makes us think we are in those situation even though they have nothing to do with reality." So weird. I think the fact that I had two dream, probably more in the past, about getting rejected means something. I think there some sick pleasure I get from feeling it. I think it's some complicated thing about me that I don't really understand... maybe my good guy subconscious is trying to work through it a little while I sleep. Aw. Thanks, subconscious.


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